CBD is non-intoxicating, non-addictive, and easy to use hemp supplement that is completely natural and reported
to help with a number of common mind and body ailments.
Cannabidiol (CBD) comes from the hemp plant, a highly recognizable "multipurpose" plant with numerous
medicinal, industrial, textile, and remedy uses. Cannabidiol is currently legal throughout most of the United States
because it is not psychoactive (unlike THC, the active component of marijuana).
CBD affects your endocannabinoid system, a naturally-occurring part of your biochemistry that functions a little bit like your endocrine system. In the same way that hormones can be balanced and imbalanced, your internal levels of various cannabinoids can be out of balance. Because your endocannabinoid system spreads throughout your entire body, supplementing with CBD can have a positive effect on many, many parts of your life.
The medical community has been conducting ongoing research into the potential uses for CBD, and an ever-growing list of anecdotal accounts from patients and home users indicate that CBD could be used as a treatment for many afflictions and illnesses.