
Whether you want to write your novel, perfect your screenplay, or craft your memoir, Writer’s Digest University can help you get your writing career underway. Our expert instructors will provide advice, specific instruction, real-world experience, expertise, and the motivation and drive to help you achieve your goals.

Upcoming Workshops
Illustration of a woman sitting on a stack of books, working on a laptop.
Illustration of a woman sitting on a stack of books, working on a laptop.

A Class for Everybody

No matter your skill level or writing ability, Writer's Digest University has a class for you.

A Class for Everybody

No matter your skill level or writing ability, Writer's Digest University has a class for you.


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Image of hands typing on a laptop and writing in a notebook.

Let's get writing!

Our writing online workshops cover every aspect of writing, from how to get started all the way to getting your writing published. Writer’s Digest University features writing classes online for every skill level of writer and our professional instructors are dedicated to helping you achieve your writing goals.


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Don't know where to get started?  

These featured events and courses are starting soon! 

Make Your Script's Opening Pages Stand Out

March 20

The opening pages of a script matter far more than you think. They are the chance a busy Literary Manager, Agent, Producer, or Actor gives you to impress them with your command of craft, story and above all, characters. If you can impress those people with your skills in those pages, there’s a great chance they’ll keep reading. And that is the first hurdle to overcome in the obstacle course that is a screenwriting career. Get them to keep reading.

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Perfecting Submission Materials Boot Camp

March 11 - 14

Think of your submission package as a job application for your novel. You not only want to apply to the right people, the ones who have a passion for the books you write, but you want to present your novel in such a way that they will easily see what your book has to offer. This live Writer's Digest boot camp will teach you how to put together a dynamic yet professional submission package that will show agents you take your potential author career seriously and make them want to read your work.

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Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference

March 21 - 23

Writer's Digest University's 11th Annual Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the craft of this genre directly from bestselling Mystery and Thriller authors. This event includes SEVEN all-new, one-hour webinar presentations!

Experience the education, camaraderie, and opportunities provided by a live writing conference without ever having to leave your home.

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Freelance Writing

March 13 - June 26

No other market is as open to the freelance writer as the magazine market. From trade and association publications, to special interest magazines, to regional and national consumer publications, editors are looking for writers who can deliver well-researched, reader-targeted articles on deadline. In this course, you will work with a published article writer to develop, research and write two articles suitable for publication in magazines you've identified as appropriate markets.

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Description: Bring Your Writing to Life

March 13 - April 10

Descriptive writing, when done well, creates an immersive reading experience. Readers love to get lost in a good book, feeling as though they’re in another time and place, walking in characters’ shoes, seeing, hearing, experiencing, smelling, touching right along with the characters. In this course, you will learn how to effectively use descriptive techniques to elevate your writing into an immersive reading experience for your readers, including agents and editors.

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Writing and Producing the Short Film

March 13 - April 10

If you want to be a produced screenwriter, there’s never been a better time to make it happen for yourself! There’s no reason to wait around for a producer to call when you can start to build your credits and body of produced work on your own. With everything you need already in your phone and laptop, you can produce your own short film and propel your writing and/or directing career forward with little to no budget.

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