Dormant Company Accounts


What are dormant company accounts?

Dormant company accounts are a highly simplified form of accounts that include just a balance sheet detailing the company’s share capital.

Companies that are dormant for Companies House’s purposes are permitted to file this type of accounts. This can save a great deal of time and money as they do not require the services of an accountant to prepare them.

How often must dormant company accounts be filed?

Dormant accounts must be filed every year. The fact a company is dormant does not exempt it from fulfilling the requirement to deliver annual accounts to Companies House.

How does this service work?

  • Select ‘Buy Now,' enter the required details, checkout and pay
  • We will email you an online questionnaire for you to complete
  • Your dormant company accounts will be filed within 1 working day of receiving the required information, based on your answers to the questionnaire
  • We will inform you by email when Companies House accepts the accounts
  • This service is renewable annually at a cost of £49.99 +VAT

Company Name
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company at any time after incorporation.

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Included with your package is a bank account from one of our partners.

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