Control Your Cycle
When it comes to your period, you're in the driver's seat.
What We Offer

Delay Your Period (Norethindrone Acetate Tablets)
Delay Your Period for up to 20 days for special events, competitions, or vacations. Not a form of birth control.
Starting at $39.00
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Skip Your Period
Skip Your Period long-term with birth control options delivered to your door.
Starting at $22.00
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Delay & Vacay Bundle
Press pause for up to 20 days on your period—perfect for romantic getaways, beach vacations, and anywhere else your heart takes you.
Bundle Price | $69.60
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Patient Reviews
Pricey but FAST treatment
You get treatment on the spot and sent to pharmacy. You have to pay for the wisp service PLUS prescription. It’s pricey but you get what you need right away.
Thank you for trusting women
I love the idea (the truth!) that woman know when they have a uti and shouldn’t be made to sit in urgent care or wait a week for a doc apt before getting treatment. Wisp is amazing.
I was able to get my prescription the…
I was able to get my prescription the same day I had my appointment. I was traveling out of town the next day and I never would've been able to get my infection taken care of that quickly if I'd had to make an appointment and wait. Saved me!!
It was fast and very discrete
It was fast and very discrete