Class act bundle opened

Enjoy Your Exclusive Free Trial.

Try for free and see what all the buzz is about.

Our expert curated products are jointly developed by the best in Los Angeles and Seoul. For a limited time, we are offering a free trial to you based on your personal skin management needs. Simply answer a couple of questions and start to enjoy your best look ever.

How Our
Free Trial Works

Try It Out For 21 Days

We’ll send you a trial-sized set of your skincare routine so you can get to know our amazing products - just pay shipping!


Frequently Asked Questions

Each trial product lasts up to 3 weeks, depending on usage.

Following your trial, you'll seamlessly transition to a subscription for full-sized versions (a 2-month supply) of your trial set. However, you maintain complete control—adjust products, delivery frequency, or cancel anytime through our account system. For this reason, we recommend creating an account immediately after checkout.

Upon delivery, you'll receive detailed instructions in both physical insert and email format on how to make the most of your trial set. In the meantime, explore our How To guide for additional tips and insights.

Take It From Them


  • 5 stars

    "Love it"

    Bought for my boyfriend and he says that his skin is smoother and feels cleaner and there is a noticeable difference in the scarring on skin that was due to acne.

    Bristol • UK

Made For Men

At Lumin, we get guys, and we get skincare. And we believe looking sharp, being smart, and a tad irreverent is much more interesting.

So, we decided to design high quality and easy-to-use men's skincare products that can solve men’s skincare problems in the simplest way possible.

Don’t believe us? Try your first month free and see how we walk all of this talk.

Clean Machine

There’s nothing like that ‘aaahh’ feeling when you’ve splashed cool water over a fresh, clean face. Our Charcoal Face Wash Daily Detox is made specifically for men’s skin, working to remove grime while keeping your skin’s pH balanced. Go ahead and say it, aaahhhh.