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Limited by Guarantee Package

Need help registering a non-profit enterprise or organisation? This package offers private limited by guarantee company registration.

Need help to register your company? Call our team of experts: 020 7871 9990.

  • Limited Company
  • Non-Residents
  • Scottish
  • Guarantee
  • LLP

Company registration for clubs and other non-profit organisations

£14.99+ £50 Companies House Fee

This package provides a company limited by guarantee, and is ideal for all types of not-for-profit enterprises like clubs, sporting associations and membership organisations.

Please note: Please call our Customer Service Team at 020 7871 9990 if you wish to use bespoke articles of association or register a specialist guarantee company suitable for a Charity company, a company with 'limited' name exemption, a company using the words Association, Benevolent, Federation, Foundation, Society or Trust in the company name, a Right to Manage company, or a Property Management company.

What's included:

Private Limited by Guarantee
Company Registration

Digital Certificate of Incorporation
and Memorandum & Articles

Digital Guarantor Certificate(s)

Digital Company Register
with First Entries

Printed Certificate of Incorporation
and Memorandum & Articles

Printed Guarantor Certificate(s)

Free Client Portal
to Manage Your Companies

Free Telephone Support
For the Life of Your Company

Free .com or .co.uk
Domain Name

Filing of the First
Confirmation Statement

Limited by Guarantee

£14.99+ £50 Companies House Fee

Ideal for clubs, workers' co-operatives and other non-profit organisations

This package provides a company limited by guarantee, and is ideal for all types of not-for-profit enterprises like clubs, sporting associations and membership organisations.

Please note: Please call our Customer Service Team at 020 7871 9990 if you wish to use bespoke articles of association or form a specialist guarantee company suitable for a Charity company, a company with 'limited' name exemption, a company using the words Association, Benevolent, Federation, Foundation, Society or Trust in the company name, a Right to Manage company, or a Property Management company.

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"I found the process straightforward. Rapid Formations are there to guide you through it."

John Warbuton

CEO of Konsileo

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