Company Dissolution Service


What is company dissolution?

Company dissolution is a quick and easy way of closing a company down. It involves the director(s) making a voluntary application to Companies House to strike off the company from the public register. Once the strike off application has been accepted, the company is usually dissolved within 2-3 months.

Why should I close my company?

There are several reasons to voluntarily strike off your company:

  • The company is no longer required, or it has served its purpose
  • To save on administration costs of running a company, e.g. preparing annual accounts
  • Avoiding fines or prosecution due to late filings
  • To reduce the liability of directors

How does this service work?

  • Select ‘Buy Now,' enter the required details, checkout and pay
  • You will receive your board resolution by email within 3 to 5 working hours - simply sign and store it for safekeeping
  • The director(s) will receive an invitation by email from Companies House to electronically sign the dissolution application (known as the ‘DS01’) - simply sign and submit
  • We will file the dissolution application at Companies House
  • Once the application to dissolve has been accepted, we will inform you by email
  • Within 2-3 months, Companies House will inform you by letter to your registered office when the company is dissolved

Full Company
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to take care of your business.

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Frequently asked questions

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As a small company, it can be tough to get noticed. That’s why I’m chuffed to bits I now have my very own registered office in the heart of Glasgow.

Sandy Fulton

Rapid Formations Customer

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Dissolve your company

No longer need your company? Close it today from £89.99 +VAT

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