4 Steps to Registering a Company

Set up a company using our simple online process

1. Company Name

First of all, check if the company name you desire is available using our name search tool on our homepage. If it is already in use, you will have to modify the name and try again.

It is often a good idea to choose a name that describes your business activity, and possibly your business values. Give careful consideration when thinking of localising your company name with the name of your town or city, as you may expand and outgrow it.

It is also important to check if the name is available as a domain name for your website, as matching your company name and website domain name will make it easier for customers to find you on the internet. Finally, make sure your company name does not feature any sensitive words. If it does, you need to fulfil that word's requirements for usage (which may be permission from the appropriate body or to meet the necessary criteria). A full list of the words considered sensitive by Companies House is available here.

2. Package

Select a company registration package that best suits your requirements. We offer 4 standard packages - please have a look at our package comparison table to assist you with your choice.

The standard packages are designed for those wishing to set up a company limited by shares, which is the most popular type of company; however, we also offer packages specially designed for non-UK residents, LLPs and limited by guarantee companies.

3. Checkout

Checkout and make a payment by credit / debit card via our secure payment page. Immediately upon making payment, we will send you an email confirming your payment, a receipted invoice and login details to our online admin portal where you can check on the progress of your order.

4. Enter Company Details

You will then be required to complete our company registration form. This should take no longer than 5 minutes. You will need to provide the details of your registered office and the company director(s) and shareholder(s). To find out what information you require having to hand, please see our company registration checklist.

Usually within 24 hours (this is dependent on Companies House workload, and therefore it may take longer), we will send you digital (PDF) copies of your new company incorporation documents by email. Printed and bound documents (if applicable) will be sent to you by first class post within 24 hours. Company seals and loose leaf folders (if applicable) will take up to 48 hours before being dispatched.

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Are you ready to register your company today?

Order online or if you would like to register your company by telephone, please call 020 7871 9990.

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