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"For men who lasted only seconds, Promescent can extend the time before they ejaculate to almost 4 minutes."
"Promescent is one of the few sexual enhancement products on the market that is backed by numerous urologists."
"Promescent provides optimum surface sensation."
"Recently, you might've seen a product called "Promescent" in the news. It's a spray for guys to put on their junk that can help them last longer in bed. And it's making a bold claim: that it can close the orgasm gap."
"Promescent is one of the few sexual enhancement products on the market that is backed by numerous urologists."
"Use it 10 minutes before sex and double your staying power."
"If you've ever had sex with a guy who finishes too quickly, you know how much of a bummer it can be for both of you."
"Promescent is one of the few sexual enhancement products on the market that is backed by numerous urologists."
"Promescent is an ejaculation-delaying topical agent that appears to be effective in increasing the time to ejaculation and the overall quality of the sexual experience in men with subjective premature ejaculation."
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