The Fresh Start program has expanded access to IRS payment plans. Now, individual taxpayers who owe up to $50,000 can pay monthly installments for up to 72 months (six years). Installment plans setup through always calculate your payment at the full 72 months.
While the IRS generally will not need a financial statement, they may need some additional financial information later from the taxpayer. In those cases, the IRS will contact you by phone or by mail at the provided address.
Hiring an attorney is expensive and unnecessary, and doing it yourself can cause months of delay and even more frustration. We prepare all the IRS documents necessary to submit your payment plan. Within 24 hours, we'll mail your completed application to the mailing address you provide. Just sign the forms, drop it in the mail, and you're done. Easy!
Just by applying to the IRS Fresh start program through, the IRS is stopped from filing any additional tax liens and will not continue collection (statute CFR 301.6159-1) from the day they receive your application.
Click here to see if you qualify and get your application for an installment plan started now.
Our payment plan service will NOT remove current wage garnishments, remove current tax liens, or stop a pending/completed tax levy (a levy is where the IRS has already physically taken an asset or frozen your bank account). Our payment plan service will only prevent new tax liens and new wage garnishments from being filed. It's important to note that if you default on the online payment agreement (OPA), the IRS may file new tax liens and resume collection actions.
The Fresh Start program has expanded access to IRS payment plans. Now, individual taxpayers who owe up to $50,000 can pay monthly installments for up to 72 months (six years). Installment plans setup through always calculate your payment at the full 72 months.
While the IRS generally will not need a financial statement, they may need some additional financial information later from the taxpayer. In those cases, the IRS will contact you by phone or by mail at the provided address.
Hiring an attorney is expensive and unnecessary, and doing it yourself can cause months of delay and even more frustration. We prepare all the IRS documents necessary to submit your payment plan. Within 24 hours, we'll mail your completed application to the mailing address you provide. Just sign the forms, drop it in the mail, and you're done. Easy!
Just by applying to the IRS Fresh start program through, the IRS is stopped from filing any additional tax liens and will not continue collection (statute CFR 301.6159-1 ) from the day they receive your application.
Our payment plan service will NOT remove current wage garnishments, remove current tax liens, or stop a pending/completed tax levy (a levy is where the IRS has already physically taken an asset or frozen your bank account). Our payment plan service will only prevent new tax liens and new wage garnishments from being filed. It's important to note that if you default on the online payment agreement (OPA), the IRS may file new tax liens and resume collection actions.
We will automatically calculate and show you the minimum monthly payment allowed during checkout, but you can choose a larger payment during checkout to help pay off your balance faster if you would like.
Example: If the total balance is $5,000, your normal monthly payment required would only be $70 over 72 months. If you would like, you can still select the exact payment to pay your balance off within as little as 3 months.
Your normal monthly payment will be paid directly from you to the IRS.
We complete your tax documents efficiently and in accordance with IRS regulations, every time. We’ve helped thousands of clients apply for payment plans successfully.
Additional collections actions, wage garnishments, and new tax liens are stopped as soon as your application is received by the IRS. According to statute 26 CFR 301.6159-1, the IRS is required to do this by law. You can read more about this statute here.
We use a streamlined and efficient process that enables us to prepare your documents within the promised 1 business day.
No. Beyond the one-time fee shown on the checkout page, there are no additional fees or hidden costs, ever.
You can write in your checking account and routing number on the application that we will mail to you as part of your tax packet.
If your total balance is over $25,000, direct debit from a checking account will be required by the IRS.
Please note: For security purposes, 97tax will not ask for your bank account and routing number during checkout. You will need to fill in your bank account and routing number yourself when you receive your completed tax packet in the mail.
Automatic payments through a paycheck prevents missed payments due to your checking account number changing and is highly recommended. Yes, you can select this option during checkout.
Note: We will prepare additional paperwork that your employer will need to sign and then you’ll mail the completed document with the rest of your tax packet.
You can select an option to provide your new address if it is different than the last time you filed a tax return. The IRS requires that your current address is on file with them. We will prepare the additional paperwork that is required by the IRS and include this in your tax packet for you to sign.
Your normal monthly payment is the total balance divided by 72 months. Typically, your balance is satisfied within 72-75 months.
Credit card, check, money order, or direct debit from your checking account can be used to make your normal monthly payments to the IRS. If your total balance is over $25,000, direct debit from a checking account will be required by the IRS.
Your completed packet (if application not filed electronically) will be mailed USPS First-Class Mail to the address you provided by the end of the next business day. Your completed packet will include the appropriate IRS forms for your case completed and awaiting your signature, a prepaid mailing envelope to send to the IRS, and detailed instructions to help get you set up on an installment plan successfully.
Yes. The IRS will consider you in good standing. The receipt of the application immediately prevents collections, wage garnishment, and new tax liens. This good standing continues as long as your required payments are made on time.
If all the information you provide is correct, the IRS will accept the offered payment plan based on their published requirements. In some cases, the IRS will ask for some additional information and would contact you directly by phone or mail.
For the fastest service, or if it’s after hours, please use our contact form or email us at and we’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Please include your order number if you have an existing order with us. You can reach us by phone at 813-853-0140.
The amount you owe can be found on any notices received from the IRS, or your tax return preparer will have a record of the amounts you owed for each year. When our website asks you for how much you owe, this should be the total from all tax years. It can be your best estimate and does not have to be exact- if it's off by a little the IRS will see this and correct. If it's off by a lot, please keep in mind they may adjust your normal monthly payment accordingly.
We normally mail forms, but we are authorized by the IRS to e-file forms. In some cases, we will attempt to file your payment plan application electronically. In this case, we will email you your confirmation number and no further steps are needed on your part. Your confirmation number is valid immediately. If we are unable to do it electronically for any reason, we will mail your application to you through the Post Office as normal.
You can only have one payment plan going at a time, but you can apply for a new payment plan with a lower payment. Our website will automatically calculate the lowest minimum payment.
When the website asks you for your total balance, you should enter the total from all years. This will combine all tax years into an application for one payment plan.
If you filed your last tax return jointly, you must put your spouse’s information on your application. If your last tax return was filed separately, your spouse will need a separate application.
If your balance is over $50k, the IRS requires you to fill out a financial statement. We will include this in your application at no additional cost. You can avoid the financial statement requirement by paying your balance down below $50k.
DISCLOSURE: 97tax prepares tax documents as a private tax preparation company. We do not offer any debt management, debt settlement, or credit repair services. We do not attempt to settle or negotiate with any creditors on your behalf, and we do not offer any refinancing or lending products. 97tax is not affiliated with any government agency.