Beautiful website designs.
Simply select a professionally designed template to start creating a website.
Each one is highly customizable so you can easily make it your own.

Featured In

A basic website builder that Apple should envy...
- TechCrunch
SnapPages is without question the most novice-friendly website builder I've tried.
Fusing simplicity and power, SnapPages is a truly unique website creation tool.
- The Next Web
Easy to create, hard to forget.
Our drag-and-drop website builder is loaded with beautiful page sections so you can quickly build a website that people won't quickly forget.

Beautiful at any size.
When you create a website with SnapPages, it automatically uses responsive website design. This means your site will look great no matter what screen size you view it on.
There's power in simplicity.
We've added features that will actually help you create a website, rather than ones that just sound good in a sales pitch.
Drag & Drop Editor
With our passion and attention to detail, we've created an editor that is second to none.
Modern Designs
All of our website templates are designed by professionals and are highly customizable.
Cloud Hosting
Your website is fully hosted in the cloud so that you can quickly access it at anytime, and from anywhere.
Mobile Optimized
Our mobile sites are more than just an afterthought. We've designed for mobile from the ground up.
Blogging Essentials
A blogger's dream platform. We make it easy to create, share, and monetize your blog.
Helpful Support
Need some hand-holding? No problem! We are here for you every step of the way.