Coupon Cause > Everything You Need to Know About Hosting

Everything You Need to Know About Hosting is the world’s most popular domain registrar and web hosting company, managing over 76 million domains for 17 million customers. Remembered for their controversial Super Bowl commercials and Iconic sponsorship of Nascar, GoDaddy also offers a variety of services for its customers such as website building tools, WordPress hosting, email hosting and security. Indeed, GoDaddy is a premier service for everything needed to get your website up and running!

If you’re new to GoDaddy, there are a few things you should expect when getting started.

GoDaddy Hosting and Domains Guide and Tips

  • Remember, just because you registered a domain, does NOT mean you now have a website! You’ll need to be hosted before anyone can see your website. Luckily, GoDaddy offers hosting starting at $2.99 a month for small businesses and personal websites. If you’re new to GoDaddy, I recommend buying your hosting service first because a lot of the time (fingers crossed) they’ll throw in the domain for free! Check the hosting options at their website. 
  • You’ll have to search for a unique domain that isn’t already taken by someone else. If someone already owns the domain, it will be taken. However, if it is popular, GoDaddy might try to ‘auction’ it for more than a new domain would be.
  • GoDaddy domain prices range depending on type. For example, .com is typically more expensive than .net or .us, for no reason other than it looks nicer! You can expect to pay anywhere from .99 a year for promotional prices like for first time domain buyers to $35 a year. Find more information about GoDaddy domains here.
  • All hosting comes with 24/7 support. Use it!
  • If you are hosting a website for a small business, I recommend paying for business hosting at $19.99 a month, the extra resources and office 365 is worth it! You can save on most GoDaddy purchases with a promo.
  • If you’re creating a company website, you may want to throw on an email with your domain as well. Starting at $1.99 per month.
  • When you’re checking out, they will recommend a Domain Privacy service for extra. I highly recommend opting in for this! Even if your website is for a small business, it’s only a matter of time until the entire world of internet marketers get your contact information.
  • Keep in mind that during checkout, GoDaddy will also try to tack on another few years of service. It’s a better deal to pay upfront if you have the funds. In any case, make sure you review your cart before you pay to avoid any extra ‘surprises’.
  • A good thing to know is that you don’t have to host and register your domain through GoDaddy. If you already have a domain through another registrar, you can choose to only host through GoDaddy or you can transfer your domain at another time. No pressure!
  • If your company website handles private information, you’ll need an SSL certificate for your site. Luckily GoDaddy offers that to!

If you’re looking to start your own WordPress blog, personal website, company website, or all of the above - GoDaddy offers an easy, one stop shop experience to get you up and running!  Hosting, finding a domain and figuring out how to secure your site can seem like a lot just to get started but GoDaddy makes it relatively simple to figure out through its step-by-step purchasing process. GoDaddy also provides 24/7 customer support to help you figure out what works for you. > Everything You Need to Know About Hosting

Everything You Need to Know About Hosting is the world’s most popular domain registrar and web hosting company, managing over 76 million domains for 17 million customers. Remembered for their controversial Super Bowl commercials and Iconic sponsorship of Nascar, GoDaddy also offers a variety of services for its customers such as website building tools, WordPress hosting, email hosting and security. Indeed, GoDaddy is a premier service for everything needed to get your website up and running!

If you’re new to GoDaddy, there are a few things you should expect when getting started.

GoDaddy Hosting and Domains Guide and Tips

  • Remember, just because you registered a domain, does NOT mean you now have a website! You’ll need to be hosted before anyone can see your website. Luckily, GoDaddy offers hosting starting at $2.99 a month for small businesses and personal websites. If you’re new to GoDaddy, I recommend buying your hosting service first because a lot of the time (fingers crossed) they’ll throw in the domain for free! Check the hosting options at their website. 
  • You’ll have to search for a unique domain that isn’t already taken by someone else. If someone already owns the domain, it will be taken. However, if it is popular, GoDaddy might try to ‘auction’ it for more than a new domain would be.
  • GoDaddy domain prices range depending on type. For example, .com is typically more expensive than .net or .us, for no reason other than it looks nicer! You can expect to pay anywhere from .99 a year for promotional prices like for first time domain buyers to $35 a year. Find more information about GoDaddy domains here.
  • All hosting comes with 24/7 support. Use it!
  • If you are hosting a website for a small business, I recommend paying for business hosting at $19.99 a month, the extra resources and office 365 is worth it! You can save on most GoDaddy purchases with a promo.
  • If you’re creating a company website, you may want to throw on an email with your domain as well. Starting at $1.99 per month.
  • When you’re checking out, they will recommend a Domain Privacy service for extra. I highly recommend opting in for this! Even if your website is for a small business, it’s only a matter of time until the entire world of internet marketers get your contact information.
  • Keep in mind that during checkout, GoDaddy will also try to tack on another few years of service. It’s a better deal to pay upfront if you have the funds. In any case, make sure you review your cart before you pay to avoid any extra ‘surprises’.
  • A good thing to know is that you don’t have to host and register your domain through GoDaddy. If you already have a domain through another registrar, you can choose to only host through GoDaddy or you can transfer your domain at another time. No pressure!
  • If your company website handles private information, you’ll need an SSL certificate for your site. Luckily GoDaddy offers that to!

If you’re looking to start your own WordPress blog, personal website, company website, or all of the above - GoDaddy offers an easy, one stop shop experience to get you up and running!  Hosting, finding a domain and figuring out how to secure your site can seem like a lot just to get started but GoDaddy makes it relatively simple to figure out through its step-by-step purchasing process. GoDaddy also provides 24/7 customer support to help you figure out what works for you.