During the coronavirus outbreak, the CDC Foundation has been working overtime to help raise funds for the CDC's various initiatives to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization that makes it possible for individuals and organizations to provide monetary support for crises the CDC is responding to. In January, CDC requested the CDC Foundation activate it's Emergency Response Fund to provide support to rapidly emerging response needs. Currently, the CDC Foundation has raised millions of dollars for the fight, including a $10 million match donation from Facebook and $2 million from Lysol. More is still needed.
"Philanthropic and private sector support through individuals, organizations and corporations is critical for use alongside government funding to meet needs that arise in rapidly evolving situations where speed and flexibility are paramount to saving and protecting lives." —Judy Monroe, MD, president and CEO, CDC Foundation
CouponCause is making a donation to the CDC Foundation, our current featured cause, in an effort to help in the fight. In order to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus, we recognize the responsibility everyone has to do what they can. No contribution is too small.

Money from the Emergency Response Fund is going to several causes. They are:
- Help local communities detect, prevent and respond to coronavirus
- Increase capacity of laboratories
- Deploy response teams to the most affected areas
- Support especially vulnerable communities
- Provide campaigns for health awareness and education
- Improve the tools clinically available and develop new technologies
- Respond to other needs that become evident
The CDC Foundation also provides online resources for individuals to stay protected from coronavirus. You can make a donation to the cause at the CDC Foundation website.