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10 Ejuice.Deals FAQs From Our Experts

Ejuice.Deals is an online retailer that provides a wide selection of the latest vape products including new flavors, rigs and more, all at competitive pricing. Military discounts, special bundle savings and daily deals are offered in addition to the already low prices.

🛍Does Ejuice.Deals have retail locations?

No, Ejuice.Deals is an online retailer only.

❓What is the Ejuice.Deals age policy?

Ejuice.Deals will only sell products to legal adults as defined in the state of residence.

📪What is the Ejuice.Deals shipping policy?

Ejuice.Deals ships everything at a flat rate of $6.90 via USPS. Shipping is available to the entire US as well as to all military post offices and US territories.

🌍Does Ejuice.Deals ship internationally?

Yes, Ejuice.Deals does ship to Canada via USPS Priority Mail. Charges are determined at the time of order.

📦What is the Ejuice.Deals return policy?

Ejuice.Deals does not accept returns of any of the liquids for any reason because of shipping laws and health codes. If there are problems, email customer support at Support@ejuice.deals for a possible solution. Defective mods and vape units may be returnable but the customer must contact customer support immediately.

💵Which payment methods are accepted by Ejuice.Deals?

Ejuice.Deals accepts the following payment methods:

Ejuice.Deals Payment Methods

🔥Does Ejuice.Deals have any discounts or other ways to save?

Ejuice.Deals offers a military discount, daily deals and bundled deals on the website. Additional savings such as discounts on shipping charges can be found at CouponCause.

📖Does Ejuice.Deals have any informational resources?

For those who are newer to the vaping world, Ejuice.Deals offers a blog with information about products, general news and interesting facts. The site also has a hemp/CBD blog and other links to information which can be found listed at the bottom of the website's homepage.

🙋How do I shop at Ejuice.Deals?

You can shop by the item, flavor or brand. You can also select the vape pen or mod that you like best and choose the eliquid that will work with that model. If you have additional questions you can speak with customer support via chat on the website or by email.

📞How do I contact Ejuice.Deals customer service?

Ejuice.Deals customer service can be reached by online chat, by email at Support@ejuice.deals and by phone at 1-888-EJUICE-1.