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11 TurnKey Vacation Rentals FAQs From Our Experts

Turnkey Vacation Rentals are just as their name would suggest. Managed properties are maintained and marketed by TurnKey for their owner, who, in turn, enjoy a hands-off hassle-free renting experience and enhanced earning power through TurnKey's pricing models. For vacationing renters, TurnKey provides a perfect mixture of the traditional hotel and new-age Airbnb experiences. Many amenities and services are automated or otherwise digitized, including concierge, help desk, and check-in.

How do I contact TurnKey Vacation Rentals customer service?

TurnKey support is available 24/7. There are a few different ways to contact them regarding your vacation reservation or property:

TurnKey Vacation Rental Customer Support Options

Subject Method Detail
Guest Reservation Text (fastest) (512) 829-3039
Guest Reservation Call (888) 512-0498
Guest Reservation Email reservations@turnkeyvr.com
Listed Property Call (855) 633-4319

Why should I list with TurnKey Vacation Rentals?

Listing your property with Turnkey Vacation Rentals assures 24/7 maintenance and housekeeping, professional SEO marketing, and enhanced earning power via their proprietary pricing algorithm. It's a full-service property management pact that makes it easy to earn when you're not vacationing.

Will my property be damaged?

TurnKey states online that damages are reported in only 3 out of every 1,000 reservations. In the event damages do occur, full service management properties are covered under TurnKey's industry leading protection plan.

What sets TurnKey Vacation Rentals apart?

TurnKey Vacation Rentals are more than a hotel or Airbnb, they're both! They've scored a 4-star rating or higher from 90% of past customers. Benefits include:

Where can I make TurnKey Vacation Rentals reservations?

As of the time of this writing, TurnKey manages properties in 125 cities, covering 20 states and Mexico. Listed states include:

How is TurnKey Vacation Rentals pricing calculated?

Properties are priced using a combination of local and proprietary factors. Enable dynamic pricing to allow TurnKey to adjust fees based on their supply and demand algorithm. You will always have final approval in regard to your vacation home's rental price.

Do I need a housekeeper?

No. TurnKey partners with local vendors who work under strict guidelines and expectations. Photographic assurance is sent after each cleaning. You may use your current housekeeper after a successful trial period.

How do I book a TurnKey Vacation Rentals property?

TurnKey managed properties can be reserved on their website directly, or on the over 50 travel sites they list with. This includes sites such as TripAdvisor, Orbitz, and Expedia.

What comes with TurnKey Vacation Rentals Full Service Property Management?

Full Service Management guarantees local housekeeping, home tech installation, and damage protection, and much more. TurnKey will also confirm the property's compliance with local taxes, licensing, and regulations. Proprietary technology to be installed includes:

TurnKey Full Service Property Management Technology

What is the TurnKey Vacation Rentals payment process?

You can process credit card payments on TurnKey's website. They also accept eCheck and ACH. Property owners are paid out monthly.

Can I still use my vacation home?

Yes, of course! There is no charge for you, family, or friends to use your property. To do so, call TurnKey to block-off the unavailable dates at least 30 days in advance.