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12 Hammacher Schlemmer FAQs From Our Experts

From gadgets, to gift ideas to décor and a little bit of everything in between, Hammacher Schlemmer has been the place to start your search, no matter what it is that you are looking for. Hammacher Schlemmer began as a company in 1867. Just over 10 years later, the company became part of history (and not for the first nor last time) when it and 270 others were listed in the very first New York City telephone book. The first of the Hammacher Schlemmer catalogs came out in 1881 and continues to be printed to this day. Over the years, whenever a new innovation has come along, Hammacher Schlemmer has been among the first to sell it.

Does Hammacher Schlemmer have retail locations?

Hammacher Schlemmer has just one store located at 147 E. 57th Street, New York, New York 10022. The store hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm. (EST). The store's phone number is 1-800-421-9002.

How do you order from Hammacher Schlemmer?

There are several ways to order from Hammacher Schlemmer including by using the website to browse or order an item previously found in the catalog by phone at 1-800-395-7006, 24/7. You can also fax or email an order.

What methods of payment are accepted at Hammacher Schlemmer?

Hammacher Schlemmer accepts the following payment methods:

What is the Hammacher Schlemmer shipping policy?

This is information for Hammacher Schlemmer's domestic shipping policy:

Hammacher Schlemmer Domestic Shipping Information

Type Estimated Arrival (in business days) Fee Special Information
Standard (Orders under $900) 4-6 Between $7.95 and $46.95 based on total order amount Not available to AK/HI/US Terroritories
Standard (Orders over $900) 4-6 days 6% of total order amount
3 Days (Under $900) 3 days $14.95-59.95 based on order amount Only shipping option for AK/HI and US Terroritories. May take longer to arrive.
3 Days (Over $900) 3 days 8% of total order amount
2 Day (Under $900) 2 days $19.99-79.95 based on total amount of order
2 Day (Over $900) 2 days 10% of total order
Next Day (Under $900) 1 day $29.95-99.95
Next Day (Over $900) 1 day 12% of total order

Does Hammacher Schlemmer ship internationally?

Hammacher Schlemmer ships only to the US and Canada at this time.

What is the Hammacher Schlemmer return policy?

Hammacher Schlemmer allows returns on all items for life. After 1 year, all returns will receive a gift certificate in lieu of a refund. To start a return or to find more information about the policy start here. You can also call customer service at 1-800-321-1484.

Does Hammacher Schlemmer guarantee the products that it sells?

All items at Hammacher Schlemmer have a lifetime guarantee.

Does Hammacher Schlemmer have gift certificates?

Hammacher Schlemmer gift certificates are the perfect solution for the picky people on your gift buying lists. Available in amounts that range from $25-200, these gift certificates can be used online or in the New York City store.

What are the Hammacher Schlemmer products?

These are the product categories at Hammacher Schlemmer:

What is the Hammacher Schlemmer Independent Testing Institute?

The Hammacher Schlemmer Independent Testing Institute was added to the company in 1984 so that every item can be tested and verified before being made available to customers.

Does Hammacher Schlemmer handle corporate gifts and business incentive items?

Hammacher Schlemmer does handle corporate gifts and other items. Corporate orders can be handled by email at CorporateOrders@hammacher.com or by phone at 1-866-714-0530.

How do I contact someone at Hammacher Schlemmer customer service?

Hammacher Schlemmer customer service can be reached by email at CustomerService@hammacher.com or by phone at 1-800-321-1484. Customer service hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 9 pm (EST) and from 7:30 am to 8 pm on weekends. Orders can be taken over the phone at 1-800-395-7006, 24/7. The visually impaired and others in need of assistance accessing and using the website can call 1-800-395-7006. For technical issues, call 1-800-227-3528. They are available in the same hours as customer service.

The New York City store's phone number is 1-800-421-9002 and the store hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm and Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm.