12 Moosejaw FAQs From Our Experts
Moosejaw was founded in 1992 by 2 friends who wanted to put together the best place for outdoor gear in the sports they enjoyed the most. Over the years, the company has been sold and expanded in various ways. In 2017, Moosejaw became part of Walmart. In a time when other retailers are closing shops and seeing slowing or even stalled sales and growth, Moosejaw still reports decent numbers and the plans to spread into additional areas across the United States.
Moosejaw sells outdoor gear for sports such as snowboarding, rock climbing, hiking, camping and more. Items range from small campsite needs to larger items like family sized tents, bicycles and more.
Does Moosejaw have retail locations?
Moosejaw does have a few retail locations with plans to add more. Find out if there is one near you here.
Moosejaw Domestic Shipping Information
Type | Estimated arrival | Fee | Special Information |
Standard | 4-6 days | Free for orders over $49 | Also free for orders with $12 or more in Moosejaw merchandise |
3 days | 3 Days | $7.95 | Not available for oversized orders |
2 days | 2 days | Free for orders over $49 | Not available on oversized orders |
1 day | Next Day | $19.95 | Not available on oversized orders |
Freight | Varies by item | $49.95 | Customer must be there to inspect and sign for the delivery |
Does Moosejaw ship internationally?
Moosejaw does ship internationally however some brands may not be shipped outside of the US. Customer is responsible for all duties and taxes on international shipments.
What is the Moosejaw return policy?
Moosejaw allows returns on most items as long as they are still in sellable condition. Shoes must be returned in their shoebox or they will not be accepted. Some items such as drones have a limited return window of 30 days. Final sale items including clearance priced items, food items, undergarments and gift cards cannot be accepted for return. Returns that are made beyond 30 days that are still deemed sellable will be refunded in the form of a gift card.
International customers must pay for their own return shipping. Original and return shipping costs will not be refunded.
Does Moosejaw price match?
Moosejaw will match prices on identical items under set conditions for 14 days after purchase.
Does Moosejaw have gift cards?
Moosejaw has both plastic and digital gift cards. To get more information or to buy one, start here.
Is there a Moosejaw rewards program?
Yes! The Moosejaw rewards program is free to join and lets you start earning rewards from your first purchase. Members earn 10% on full price purchases and 2.5% back on discounted purchases. There are 4 levels in the rewards program and each level has increased perks including offers on shipping, bonus rewards and more.
What is the Moosejaw flag?
The Moosejaw flag is a free flag that the company gives to everyone who requests one. Request your flag here.
Does Moosejaw do group sales?
Moosejaw does do group sales. Everyone in the group will get 10% off regular prices on their favorite items as well as 5% in rewards. Look here for additional information and to learn how to sign up.
Does Moosejaw do bulk sales?
Moosejaw does bulk sales including for military and government agencies as well as for corporations and other groups. To get information or to request price quotes for your needs, email VIPSales@moosejaw.com or call 248-246-4052. You can also fax your request to 248-629-6910 (ATTN:VIP Sales).
Does Moosejaw have any discounts?
Moosejaw has discounts for the military, government officials, students and teachers.
How do I reach someone at Moosejaw customer service?
Moosejaw customer service can be reached by live chat on the website as well as through their social media accounts. By phone, they can be reached at 1-877-666-7352, Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 9 pm, Friday from 8 am to 7 pm, Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.(EST). International customers can call 248-246-4000.
For bulk sales, the email is VIPSales@moosejaw.com and the phone number is 248-246-4052.